Thursday, July 5, 2012

Race Preview: Ironman 70.3 Muncie

This weekend begins my first true test on whether or not I can hack it as an Ironman even if this weekend will only prove that I am half an Ironman. I am registered to participate in Ironman 70.3 Muncie on Saturday, July 7th. My swim wave, Women age 40-44, is tentatively due to start at 7:20 am; however, with temperatures expecting to reach 98 Saturday afternoon, the start time could still get moved up.
Prairie Reservoir Creek: 1.2 miles
 The swim will be in the Prairie Creek Reservoir swimming 1-loop clockwise. The temperature of the water earlier this week was 81 degrees, awfully temperate for a 1.2 mile swim. From what I've read, the water can be choppy in the reservoir depending on the wind. Awesome Cheryl will also be participating in Muncie and her wave is scheduled for 7:40 am. In reality, we could be finishing the swim together. I am determined to remain calm and relaxed throughout the swim even if it means going extremely slow. On Sunday, I completed a 1.2 practice swim in 59:42. Like I said, not fast at all, but I was completely relaxed and just enjoyed the swim. Based on recent times, I anticipate getting out of the water about 8:12 am.
IM Muncie Bike Course: 56 miles

After a hopefully fast T1, I will be out and on the bike around 8:15-ish. We will head out for what is supposed to be a fast leg on the bike. The out and back course is 1.5 loops through relatively flat roads. On any other given day, I know I could easily complete the 56 miles with an average pace of 16 mph; however, with my recent concerns over my hives and the high heat on Saturday, I am re-setting my bike goal as an average pace of 15 mph. I plan on trying to keep my heart rate right around 130 bpm.  

There will be 5 aid stations along the bike course offering:
·         IRONMAN Perform
·         Water
·         Bananas
·         Bonk Breaker Bars
·         GU Original Energy Gels
·         Roctane Ultra Endurance Gels
·         GU Chomps

Muncie Bike Elevation Profile
Unfortunately, this all means that I will be starting my run at probably the hottest part of the day with the sun at high noon. By this weekend it will be two weeks since my last run. (UGH). If I'm extremely fortunate, I plan on running the first 3 miles at a 10:30 pace, the middle 7 miles at 10, and the last 3+ at a glorious 9:45. BUT on the realistic side, I am hoping to maintain a 11 minute mile walk run pace.....but it could be closer to 11:32 with the heat. This could be the longest 2+ hours of my day, but if I keep my head on straight I will be able to successfully complete Ironman Muncie within about 7 hours 13 minutes. 
IM Muncie Run Course
There will be aid stations approximately every mile on the run course offering: (possibly more due to the heat)
·         IRONMAN Perform
·         Water
·         Bananas
·         Bonk Breaker Bars
·         GU Original Energy Gels
·         Roctane Ultra Endurance Gels
·         GU Chomps
·         Pretzels
·         Fruit

Obviously, hydration will be key. HYDRATE, HYDRATE, well as taking Endurolytes. I plan on taking in 150-200 calories per hour in a light, liquid form.

My goal is to complete the Muncie Ironman with a feeling of accomplishment and pride. I'm hoping to finish without cramps and under 7 hours and 30 minutes. Surpassing those goals? Well, that would just be cake. 

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