Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A Pot of Gold at the Laundry Mat?

Yesterday my little Diva Princess started complaining of a headache and running a fever. Unfortunately, there seems to be a virus going around which lasts 4-5 days with just these symptoms. With Tylenol in my left hand and Motrin in my right, mom came to save the day, or at least the night so we could all get a decent night's sleep.

This morning we knew my little princess was not going to go to swim practice. We were hoping she'd feel better and be able to swim in the meet against Morton. So, we let her sleep in. I took my little ray of sunshine to her swim practice this morning and on the way into town, I saw the most beautiful, soft rainbow. Amazingly enough, it looked like the end of the rainbow landed right in front of....the town laundry mat? Now, believe me, that laundry mat does not contain a pot of gold.

I dropped sunshine off at the pool for her practice and got ready to run. Now keep in mind I haven't run since the Tremont Triathlon about 10 days ago. I left my trusty sunglasses in the car because there was a nice, fine mist of rain showering down on me and I don't have wipers on them. I started out on my run and felt nice and comfortable, but decided to do intervals....because I'm a wimp. There is something just mental about my running and since I knew I hadn't run in 10 days, I convinced myself I shouldn't run a 5k.  After a 1.25 mile warm-up, I started doing intervals walking a block, jogging a block and running a block. And I definitely define my pace as jogging and running. I'd like to say that it's a sprint, but that's definitely not happening yet. My requirements for these paces? Jogging is at least a 10 minute mile pace. Running is as close to 8 minutes/mile for as long as I keep it up.

In the end, I completed the required 5k and even stretched my running segments longer and longer. I didn't find the pot of gold at the laundry mat, but I certainly felt good to be outside running again. Mmmm, exercise is sooo good.

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