Sunday, February 7, 2010

Weekly Wrap-up

It's Sunday...a day for rest and I am more than ready to take it. It's been a good week all in all. Good things have happened this week. I have finally caught up at work. Year-end taxes are done at IMC. I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. 

On top of that, my youngest, aka Diva Princess, came home sick from school on Friday and no matter what you do that brings every other "priority" to a screeching HALT! Snuggling on the couch with an 8-year old is just what the doctor ordered.

In reflecting back on this week, I have loved my workouts. I altered my plan slightly, but still felt good about the week as a whole.

Monday - ran 4 miles, swam 800 yards and played volleyball for 3 hours
Tuesday - I was so achey from yesterday and my slacker of a week last week that I took the day off. Probably not a good decision since I was so tense setting up the nets at the school for our travel volleyball game.
Wednesday - only 2.08 miles on the treadmill. Not a lot of time in the morning since I had to be at work by 9....but that will change soon! 
Thursday - 4.2 miles on treadmill
Friday - The Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout.....ahhhhh, feel those muscles ache
Saturday - 6 miles on the treadmill in 62:09 minues....ahhh, yah, goal accomplished for the week

Grand total of: 16.29 miles
I woke up this morning with the temptation to get on the scale, but thought that was not a wise choice. I figured if I stepped on the scale now I'd be happy with my weight loss and then I wouldn't monitor my eating tonight at the Super Bowl party I'm hoping to attend (if Princess is feeling better). Why does the scale have such a psychological impact on me? I should see the good results from all of my hard work and feel justified in saying "NO" to all of those tempting treats, but I don't. I let all of my hard work go out the door with one extra handful of chips or a slushy margarita. So, I chose to stay off the scale, living in ignorant bliss hoping my self monitoring will stay in place.

Have a good week everyone! I hope your week was successful.

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